Nature`s Way Pure Organic Honey is a natural organic honey with a heavenly taste. The unique floral aroma makes this fine specialty, a favorite among honey lovers.
Rs.1,175.00 Rs.1,100.00
Nature`s Way Pure Organic Honey is a natural organic honey with a heavenly taste. The unique floral aroma makes this fine specialty, a favorite among honey lovers.
Nature`s Way Pure Organic Honey is a natural organic honey with a heavenly taste. The unique floral aroma makes this fine specialty, a favorite among honey lovers.
Great tasting Nature`s Way Pure Organic Honey is a best alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners. Regular usage of honey helps in boosting immune system and prevents chronic diseases.
We are proud that Nature`s Way Pure Organic Honey ingredients are Organic and Halal and not the product of bioengineering.
Perfect choice for a healthy life style…..Naturally!
Nature`s Way Pure Organic Honey is best to use at breakfast as spread and with cereals. It is a good addition to various hot & cold beverages. It may be used as herbal medicine, as prescribed.
Nature`s Way Pure Organic Honey is available in various convenient packaging options as per consumer’s needs.